Chakra Bracelet 6mm
Chakra Bracelet 6mm

Chakra Bracelet 6mm

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Chakras are the main energy centers in your energy body. This set of Chakra stones helps balance them; activates, heals and harmonizes the energy flow on all levels, offering a centered and grounded feeling. Wear your Chakra bracelet during the day to feel the stones‘ benefits. As you wear your chakra bracelet, the energy of these gemstones will flow around your body, infusing it with balancing energies.
This beautiful chakra bracelet features various gemstone beads:

  • Red Jasper is used for grounding, problem-solving and provides insight into the most difficult situations, calms emotions, strengthens your boundaries, the stone of health, strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, the blood, and the liver.
  • Carnelian has grounding properties, anchors you to the present, stabilizing, vitality, motivation, stimulates creativity, gives courage and promotes positive life choices, increases fertility, improves absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Yellow Topaz brings wealth and prosperity, clarity of intentions, and can help you actualize your goals. It is a great manifesting stone and rebalances your Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Rose Quartz attracts love, brings trust and harmony to existing relationships, encourages self-love, deep inner healing, calming.
  • Aquamarine is the stone of courage, overcomes judgementalism and encourages taking responsability, sharpens the intelect, harmonizes thyroid and hormones.
  • Sodalite increases intuition, spiritual perception, stimulates the pineal gland, opens the Third Eye and deepens mediation, calms panic attacks, enhances self-acceptance, self-trust, cleanses the lymph, soothes the throat, vocal cords, and larynx.
  • Amethyst is calming, has anti-stress properties. Reduces anxiety, blocks negative energy, enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation, strengthens the immune system, eases headaches and insomnia.
Bead size 6mm. Petite size bracelet does not include the Buddha bead. Only availabe in petite and regular sizes, otherwise we would have to rework the number of the beads. If you happen to order the large size we will do our best to make it look as close to the image posted.

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