Cherry Creek Jasper Bracelet

Cherry Creek Jasper Bracelet

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Cherry Creek Jasper, also called Red Creek Network Jasper is a grounding and protective stone. It has a calm, peaceful vibe that brings relaxation, balance, and tranquility. The gemstone resonates with the crown chakra. Cherry Creek Jasper is also named the "supreme nurturer" as it promotes vitality and it's a valuable help through new experiences.

Benefits of wearing the Cherry Creek Jasper bracelet:

  • stimulates quick thinking
  • promotes organizational abilities
  • stimulating imagination
  • helps transform ideas into action
  • brings balance and relaxation
  • promotes compassion
  • enhances self-discipline
  • provides support in times of stress or worry
  • helps with electromagnetic and environmental pollution
  • helps in prolonged illness or hospitalization
  • enhances circulation
  • balances the mineral content of the body
Note: All gemstones are unique in their own way, there are no two alike. You will receive 1 crystal bracelet that is similar to the ones in the image posted. 8mm size beads, stretchy bracelet.

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