How can I use my small crystals?

You can use your small crystals -tumbled or raw- in multiple ways to harness their energy and enjoy their benefits. Although large crystals radiate more powerful energy, small crystals are perfect for everyday use. You can't carry a large crystal geode or your favorite crystal sphere with you throughout your day, but you can take your small crystals and keep them nearby in your pocket, purse, bag, or pouch. You can keep them in your car, on your work desk, or wherever you want to have your crystal "friends" close.

The most common ways to use your small crystals

1. Carry your crystals with you throughout your day. Having crystals nearby all day deepens the connection between your energy field and the crystal's energy. Your energy can align with the crystal's energy, and you can enjoy its benefits more. Carry your tiny crystals with you and take them out whenever you need an energy boost to recharge or center yourself. Small crystals can act as reminders bringing your attention back to your intentions.

2. Place crystals on your body, this is another way to harness their healing and balancing benefits. It has a stronger effect than simply holding them. You can use your small crystals to energize and relax tensioned or sore parts of your body or balance your chakras. If you're using a crystal to cleanse, heal, balance a particular chakra, choose a crystal that resonates with it, and place it on the chakra area on your body.

3. Take your small crystals in your bedroom for a good night's sleep if you're struggling with sleeping problems or it's difficult to relax and fall asleep after a hectic day. Surround yourself with crystals to absorb their soothing vibes. Having crystals in your bedroom can help calm your mind, help you fall asleep, or aid in remembering your dreams. Placing a small crystal under your pillow to help you reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Hold a crystal during meditation, prayer, or relaxation as one of the best ways to connect with your small crystals is through prayer or meditation. It will help you relax and calm your mind, ground yourself before meditation, and enhance your concentration during meditation. Each crystal radiates distinct energies with specific vibrations, so keep experimenting until you find the perfect ones for your spiritual practice.

5. Create a crystal grid especially if you have an abundance of raw and tumbled small crystals. Arranging them in a grid is the best way to maximize their effects. By arranging them in a sacred geometrical form, you amplify their energy and efficiency. Once you've completed the crystal grid, place it on your altar, in your meditation corner or wherever you like and let it works its magic. If you're new to crystal grids, we invite you to check out this blog, where you'll find more information about crystal grids.

6. Display crystals in your massage, energy healing room, on your altar, or meditation corner. You can also place crystals in a space where you perform energy healing, Reiki, or spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation. Crystals will keep the room energetically clean and will help you create a pure, peaceful space for healing and your practice. Crystals can also help enhance the intention you set in your area.

7. Use crystals as unique home decor elements. Crystals have become popular home décor elements. Crystals cut and polished in various shapes - spheres, towers, hearts, bowls, plates - make unique statement pieces of your home. You can find crystals for each room of your home:

  • kitchen
  • living room
  • bedroom

8. Incorporate crystals into your self-care routine. You can easily incorporate crystals into your self-care routine. You can soak them in the water when you take a relaxing warm bath. Crystal face rollers or Gua Shas are excellent skin-care tools.

9. Make crystal-infused water or crystal elixir. Drinking crystal-infused water is a simple way to absorb the energy of your crystals. First, you need to cleanse your crystals, add them to fresh spring water, and leave them there to infuse the water with their energy.  Before you make the elixir learn about the properties of your crystals and make sure they're non-toxic and not water-soluble. You can also charge your water with the crystal's energy by placing them near a glass bottle filled with water.

9. Cleanse and recharge other crystals. Some stones, like Selenite, Carnelian, and Clear Quartz, are known for their cleansing properties. For home or body cleansing, we recommend larger stones, but you can place your small cleansing crystals mixed with other crystals in a pouch, box, or bowl to keep them cleansed and energized.

10. Protection from negative energies or EMF radiation. Exposure to high levels of EMF radiation can be harmful to our health and wellbeing. Many believe that specific stones absorb harmful EMF radiation. Some of our clients keep these stones near electronic devices to mitigate the amount of EMF emitted. The most powerful stones to protect against EMFs are:

11. Energize your plants in the garden or in your home. Place your small crystals in your garden around your plants, or snuggle them near your potted plants to give them a constant energy boost and keep them healthy.

12. Boost your creativity. If you have a creative vein turn your small crystals into gorgeous jewelry pieces or create meaningful gifts for your loved ones. You can incorporate small crystals into paintings or mandalas. You can wire wrap your crystals and wear them as pendants or attach them to your keychain, backpack or hang it on your car's mirror.

13. Attract abundance and prosperity into your home. Place crystals in a bowl and display them in the corners of your home. You can display them near the entrance or in the corner of wealth (Feng-Shui).