What are the best ways to cleanse my gemstone necklaces?

Gemstone necklaces can absorb energies from the wearer and the environment. Therefore it is vital to cleanse your necklaces periodically both physically and energetically. There are several simple methods to cleanse your gemstone necklace at home. Which one you use should not depend only on which is the easiest to do. It would be best if you also consider the properties of the gemstones.

 If you don't want negative vibes to come with your newly purchased gemstone necklace, cleanse it before you wear it. How often you should cleanse your gemstone necklace depends on how often you wear them. It is also essential to cleanse them often when you are ill or struggling with intense negative emotions while you are wearing them.

Simple cleansing methods for gemstone necklaces

  • Cold running water - place your gemstone necklace under cold running water until it feels energetically lighter and clearer.
  • Pure salt - salt is often used for cleansing because it absorbs negative energies from the environment. Therefore it can also cleanse your necklace. Fill a bowl with salt, place your gemstone necklace on top and cover it with a cotton cloth. Leave it there for about 5-7 days.
  • Seawater or salted water - if you live near the sea or the ocean, one of the simplest ways to cleanse your gemstone necklace is to submerge it in fresh seawater. You can also use salted water. Submerge your gemstone necklace in the water for 24 hours. We do not recommend this cleansing method for necklaces and pendants made of soft, porous, or water-soluble stones like Selenite, Calcite, Malachite, Angelite, or Lepidolite.
  • Sunlight - place your gemstone necklace in a bowl on a windowsill under sunlight. We do not recommend this method for all gemstones, as some stones can change their color under intense sunlight.

Cleansing methods for all types of gemstone necklaces

  • Smudging is a simple yet very effective cleansing method, and it's suitable for all types of gemstone jewelry. You can burn sacred herb bundles or sticks to cleanse your gemstone necklaces in their smoke.
  • Another simple cleansing method is to place your gemstone necklace on or near crystals with powerful cleansing properties. Place it on a large Amethyst geode, Clear Quartz cluster, or on a Selenite plate or slice. Leave it there overnight.
  • Another safe way to cleanse and recharge your gemstone necklace is to place it under moonlight on the windowsill or outdoors in a safe place.

When you buy a gemstone necklace or a crystal pendant, we recommend purchasing some of these products to cleanse them before using them: