What are grumpy stones good for?

When you look at a grumpy stone, your first instinct would be to smile. And this is exactly how grumpy stones should make you feel. Whenever you feel sad, go through a rough time, or when you just feel that nothing seems to work as you would want to, these are your go-to stones.

Because they are so small, you can also carry them with you in your purse, backpack, or even a pocket. This way, you won't have to wait to get home to see your funny little grumpy companion.

Benefits of a grumpy stone

  • Brings enthusiasm and joy
  • Soothes a broken heart and loneliness
  • Tempers fiery emotions
  • Dissipates negative energy
  • Balances yin and yang energies
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Attracts happiness
  • Instills optimism
  • Promotes self-love
  • Helps you trust your intuition
  • Encourages self-expression

Here are some of the cute grumpy stones you can find in our shop: