Smudging using herbs, wood sticks, or resins is one of the best ways to cleanse your aura. That is why we recommend you smudge yourself periodically. You can also smudge yourself every day to keep yourself in balance. To make the most out of smudging is to set a clear intention before starting the process. There are various ways to smudge yourself; it depends on you which one you choose. Although smudging yourself is simple, there are several steps that you need to take for a safe and efficient smudging. Smudging is a sacred practice in many cultures. Perform it with responsibility, respect, and gratitude.
Although smudging yourself is simple, there are several steps that you need to take for a safe and efficient smudging. Take a moment to manifest your intention of what you want to cleanse or release. Think of an affirmation that includes your intention and repeat it while you smudge yourself. Invoke the feelings behind your affirmation to make the smudging more efficient.
You can use smudging to cleanse yourself every day if you like. There are different ways to smudge yourself. The difference is how to direct the smoke; some energy healers recommend starting the smudging from the top of your head and moving the smudging stick or bundle downwards to your feet. You can also spiral the smoke around your body, switching the smudging bundle from one hand to the other. Start from the top and move downwards, from left to right.
Because it's a quick and efficient way to purify your aura from unwanted energies, smudging is highly recommended: