How can I cleanse my crystals?

Crystals absorb energies from the environment; therefore, if you don't want negative vibes to come with your newly acquired crystals, you need to cleanse them regularly. If you want to use a pure crystal, it is essential to cleanse it both externally and energetically.

The esoteric explanation is that an environment or a person with low-frequency vibrations can affect the vibration of the crystals, tuning them out. There are simple methods to cleanse your crystals or crystal products. Which one you choose should not just depend on which is the easiest for you, first of all, you should consider the stone's structure and properties.

The most common methods for crystal cleansing

  1. Cleansing with running water - This is a simple and easy way to cleanse your crystal. You only need to place your crystal under cold running water for a few minutes. How long you should keep it there depends on how often you used it and how long it has been exposed to low-frequency energies. Keep your crystal under running water until you can feel it lighter and clearer.
  2. Salted water - If you live near the ocean, use the water from the ocean to cleanse your crystals. Otherwise, add a tablespoon of sea salt into a bowl of water and submerge the crystals in it for 24-48 hours. Do not cleanse soft, porous minerals like Calcite, Celestite, Selenite, Lepidolite, or Angelite with water. Some minerals are water-soluble or can be damaged by humidity.
  3. Cleansing with salt - Salt can also absorb negative energies. To cleanse your crystal with salt, you need to fill a bowl with sea salt or other types of pure salt and bury the crystal in it.

The following methods are suitable for all crystals

  1. Crystal cleansing with smudging - Indigenous tribes from all over the world have long used this method for cleansing purposes. You can burn sacred herbs, woods, or resin and cleanse your crystals in their smoke. Keep the crystal in your hand and move it through the smoke for about a minute. You can use Sage bundles or Palo Santo sticks for smudging.
  2. Cleansing with SeleniteThis is one of the easiest yet very efficient cleansing methods for crystals. Selenite is known for its ability to cleanse and recharge crystals. You need a Selenite bowl, plate, or slice to place the crystals on and leave it there overnight for this method.
  3. Cleansing with sunlight or moonlight - Bathe your crystal in the morning sunlight or place it under the moonlight when it's Full Moon. You should know that prolonged exposure to sunlight may damage some minerals.
  4. Cleansing with a visualization technique - Start with a few minutes of relaxation to ground yourself, then hold your crystal in your hands. Visualize a white radiant light flowing down from the top of your head and channel that energy through your hands into the crystal. Visualize your crystal filled with pure, white, radiant light. Continue the visualization until you feel the crystal's energy clearer.