As this year nears its end, many of us are thinking of what we hope the new year will bring. There's always a sense of excitement at the start of a new year, it is a fresh start, a new beginning. Usually, I have one or two resolutions at the beginning of each year and as the year progresses, I come up with a few more along the way. I believe goals are important in life, and resolutions made at the beginning of a new year can help us achieve our goals.
New Year's resolutions can focus your mind on what you want to accomplish, on what's important to you, and make you move gradually in that direction.
Not many know that crystals and manifesting can go hand in hand. Whether you want to manifest abundance, love, loving relationships, health, or financial independence - there's a crystal for it. There are so many crystals and crystal combinations that can help in your manifesting efforts. Crystals can help to manifest your goals and aid in developing certain attitudes helpful in the manifestation process.
Manifesting with crystals is not as difficult as it may seem. People have been using crystals since ancient times to manifest whatever they wanted. You really don't need any special skills to use crystals for manifestation. What you need to know is what are the most powerful manifesting crystals and how to use them during the manifestation process.
To help with your New Year's resolution we recommend our Chakra Balancing Gift Set which contains a Self Care Gift Set with 4 tea light candles, a sage bundle, a Chakra Bracelet and a raw Amethyst crystal. Our Manifesting Kits can also be efficient tools whenever you want to manifest something in your life. Each kit contains mini white sage smudging sticks, palo santo smudging sticks, Tibetan rope incense, crystals, candles, and mini chakra stone bottles.
The beginning of a new year is ideal for self-reflection. Is there an area in your life that you would like to improve? Is there something you have dreamed of doing to improve certain aspects of your being? There's always the possibility of not making all the changes you intended; however, making resolutions will at least make you focus on those goals and take you a few steps toward them. One of our popular manifesting stones is the Black Obsidian. The stone opens new horizons and gives support during the process of breaking bad habits. It cleans and breaks negative emotional patterns from the aura - like eating disorders, different abuse, and addictions.
Other powerful manifesting stones you can find at the Village Rock Shop:
People have made New Year's resolutions since ancient times. The Babylonians believed that whatever people intended or did on the first day of the year had a major impact on their lives all year long. Crystal grids combine crystals, geometrical forms, and positive affirmations to expand the energy of the crystals and focus on your goals. Each Crystal grid has various crystals arranged in a specific sacred geometrical structure to achieve a synergistic effect for a specific purpose. Crystal Grid Kits contain instructions on building, activating, and using them.
In our shop, you'll find crystal grids created to help you in the process of manifestation:
Why do we make New Year's resolutions? With each resolution, we make a promise to improve our lives to make the new year a better one.
What goals do you have for 2023? Whatever resolutions you decide to make, plan ahead, and do the best you can to achieve your goals.
Break your resolutions down into achievable steps to make it easier to keep them. I believe resolutions can really make a difference in our lives.
We wish you a peaceful holiday season and a Happy New Year!