Honey is Scientifically Proven to Reduce the Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Infections

In the past decades, several scientists analyzed the effects of honey on flu, cold and upper respiratory problem symptoms and the results have been more than promising. Honey a delicious food and popular remedy were used for thousands of years.

Nowadays, researchers present new evidence of honey's benefits in all directions. Probably the use of honey will not heal or prevent your cold or flu, however, it has some great benefits when you are ill. You can find a wide variety of premium quality, raw honey, in Southern California, among our favorites, are the:

  • Wildflower honey
  • Buckwheat honey
  • Avocado honey
  • Sage honey
  • Acacia honey

Scientific Studies and Research

James M. Steckelberg, M.D. from Mayo clinic presents a recent study in one of his articles: "In one study, children age 2 and older with upper respiratory tract infections were given up to 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of honey at bedtime. The honey seemed to reduce nighttime coughing and improve sleep. In fact, in the study, honey appeared to be as effective as a common cough suppressant ingredient, dextromethorphan, in typical over-the-counter doses. Since honey is low-cost and widely available, it might be worth a try." In an article posted by the Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta are presented evidence of the honey's amazing properties: "A large number of in vitro and limited clinical studies have confirmed the broad-spectrum antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antimycobacterial) properties of honey, which may be attributed to the acidity (low pH), osmotic effect, high sugar concentration, presence of bacteriostatic and bactericidal factors (hydrogen peroxide, antioxidants, lysozyme, polyphenols, phenolic acids, flavonoids, methylglyoxal, and bee peptides), and increase in cytokine release, and to immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory properties of honey; the antimicrobial action involves several mechanisms. Despite a large amount of data confirming the antimicrobial activity of honey, there are no studies that support the systemic use of honey as an antibacterial agent ".

Premium Quality Honey at the Village Rock Shop

How to use honey when you suffer from upper respiratory problems? You can mix honey with lemon, ginger, and warm water, there are sources that recommend using honey mixed with cinnamon or garlic. Apicultors mix honey with royal jelly or pollen to enhance its properties. There are also various medicines with honey that can be used to relieve the symptoms of acute cough, but it is important to know that they won't heal the underlying infection. When you present symptoms of flu or respiratory problems that do not go away in a few days, consult your primary care physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment. We love to support local apiculturists, so when you visit our shop you'll find a variety of premium quality Southern Californian honey and honey-based products that can boost your immunity and help to reduce the cold, flu or upper respiratory problem symptoms:

The villagerocksop.com website is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide a medical opinion, medical advice or treatment to any individual, and information posted on our website is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care and treatment.