Shungite Tall Pyramid


*Out of stock

Product description

The Shungite tall pyramid combines the mineral's and the pyramid shape's properties. Shungite has a particular structure that makes it possible to absorb and neutralize harmful EMFs. This ancient mineral contains hollow molecular carbon cages called Fullerenes and nearly all minerals of the periodic table. Shungite provides protection from EMFs of Wi-Fi, TV, PC, cell phone towers, high voltage power lines, microwave ovens, and other devices. The pyramid shape has various benefits; it regenerates the natural flow of energy in the body and in the environment

Benefits of using the Shungite Tall Pyramid:

  • absorbs harmful EMF radiations
  • minimizes cell phone's radiations
  • purifies the water
  • mineralizes the water
  • helps to achieve goals in a harmonious way
  • enhances the efficiency of manifesting techniques
  • deepens meditation
  • clears and harmonizes the environment

Item specification

Approximate size: 3x1.5 inches tall pyramid made of authentic Shungite, ordered directly from the Russian mine. It contains 60% carbon, offers efficient protection against toxic EMFs.

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