Shungite Infinity Pendant


*Out of stock

Product description

Shungite Infinity pendant provides protection against man-made EMFs that come from Wi-Fi, TV, PC, microwave ovens, cell phones, or other electronic devices. Shungite‘s ability to neutralize EMFs is based on its structure, spherical carbon molecules called Fullerenes, and many other minerals.

Benefits of wearing a Shungite Infinity pendant:

  • energizes and clears the chakras
  • cleanses the aura
  • clears energy blocks
  • promotes grounding
  • absorbs artificial toxic EMFs
  • aids in the healing process
  • reduces oxidative stress
  • reduces inflammation

Item specification

Approximately 1x1 inches flat pendant made of authentic Shungite ordered directly from the Russian mine. High-quality Shungite product with 60% carbon content.

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CALL 720.720.1986