Chakra Selenite Set


*Out of stock

Product description

Chakra Selenite Set

Chakras are the main energy points in your body. This set of Chakra stones helps balance them; activates, heals and haronizes the energy flow of the body, offering a centered and grounded feeling. Carry the stones with you during the day to feel the sones behefits and place them on the Selenite Slice at the end of the day to be cleansed and recharged.

Stones Included:

Red Jasper is used for grounding, problem solving and provides insight into the most difficult situations, calms emotions, strenghtens your boundaries, stone of health, strenghtening and detoxifing the circulatory system, the blood and liver.

Carnelian grounding, anchors you to the present, stabilizing, vitality, motivation, stimulates creativity, gives courage and promotes positive life choices, increases fertility, improves absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Citrine is a cleanser and regenerator, energizing, helps manifest wealth, prosperity, success and generosity, raises self- esteem and confidence, improves motivation and self-expression, stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas, heals infections and detoxifies the blood.

Rose Quartz attracts love, brings trust and harmony to existing relationships, encourages self-love, deep inner healing, calming.

Blue Lace Agate crystals are calming, bring peace of mind, heals the throat chakra, promotes free expression of thoughts and feelings, neutralizes anger, infection, inflammation and fever.

Sodalite increases intuition, spiritual perception, stimulates the pineal gland, opens third eye and deepens mediation, calms panic attacks, enhances self-acceptance, self-trust, cleanses the lymphatic, sooths throat, vocal cords and larynx.

Amethyst is calming, healing, anti-stress and anxiety, blocks negative energy, enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation, strengthens immune system, eases headaches and insomnia.

Note: All gemstones are unique in their own way, there are no two alike. You will receive 1 crystal that is similar to the ones in the image posted. We send a variety of polished and tumbled stones for the chakras, depending on what we have in stock.

Approximate size of the Chakra Stones: 0.75x0.75 inches.

Approximate size of the Selenite Slice: 8x1.5 inches.

Item specification

  • Chakra Selenite Set
  • Stones Included: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Rose quartz, Blue Lace agate, Sodalite, Amethyst
  • Approximate size of the Chakra Stones: 0.75x0.75 inches.
  • Approximate size of the Selenite Slice: 8x1.5 inches.

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