Rainforest Rhyolite Bracelet


*Out of stock

Product description

Rainforest Rhyolite is also called Rainforest Jasper or Australian Rainforest Jasper. It's a balancing stone recommended to help with self-esteem and emotional strength issues. The gemstone helps stimulate insight into solutions and alternatives and find your expression in the wake of problems and anxieties. Rainforest Rhyolite is the perfect stone to carry when facing confrontation.

Benefits of wearing the Rainforest Rhyolite bracelet:

  • helps to boost the immune system
  • cleanses the kidneys and liver
  • stimulates the creative process
  • keeps one from procrastinating
  • helps to move on with your life and live in the moment
  • beneficial for gaining emotional balance
  • encourages to make contact with nature spirits
  • strengthens relationships
  • brings happiness, joy, and contentment
  • enhances self-acceptances
  • reminds us that true happiness is all about perspective

Item specification

Note: All gemstone bracelets are unique and there are no two alike. You will receive a gemstone bracelet similar to the one in this image. 8mm size beads.

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